LPT: Your employer’s HR department is not your friend.

Bull. Shit.

My wife is an HRM and 90% of her time is spent protecting her counter from the higher corporate offices.

HR basically has one job: prevent unionization and prevent lawsuits. You know what the best way to do that is? Making sure employees are happy, well compensated and feel like their voices and complaints are being heard.

She spends every day saying things like "we need to pay this person more" or "n o, we absolutely cannot fire this person for any of those reasons" or "these employees feel stuck in their jobs and pay rates, let's try to set up a pay for progression program to better than and increase compensation on a merit basis

The gods honest truth is that what is best for the company IS best for the employee, 99 times out of 100.

If your HRM isn't helping you, there are really only three reasons why:

  1. They are a terrible company with terrible HR policy and you should leave

  2. You are in the wrong and just don't realize it or aren't willing to (99% of the time, this is the case)

  3. You are about to be fired.

These are real humans who want to help you, they just aren't going to burn the company down to do it. They have jobs to keep, too.

/r/LifeProTips Thread