LRC - Where GME meets crypto.

Hoping r/cc isn't going to downvote for this as well but realistically I'm avoiding this project because of it's involvement in GME.

The GME hype is overblown to me. I'm not sure how many people actually shop at Gamestop, but their business practices are pretty shit. The employees generally hate their company because of how they are treated, and it's still so strange to me to see this massive shift in the general perception of Gamestop since they had this stock incident this year. People used to hate Gamestop, and joke all the time about how you could take in a brand new Xbox and they've give you $1 in store credits.

People will argue that "new leadership" is changing this, but according to employees from recent conference calls they will be open on Thanksgiving again. I don't think that's a step in the right direction for the company.

Just my two-cents.

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