Why ls Living So Boring & Hard? What's the Purpose? How does one do this for almost 80 years?

first off: are you ok? you sound sad. make sure not to isolate yourself when you're sad. talk to people about it.

second: when life is boring that's a sign that currently nothing is wrong. be glad that your healthy, have a place to live, enough to eat. those are not things to be taken for granted.

third: find something you enjoy. it could be learning a new skill, like drawing or a new language or dancing or anything at all really. the beauty of life are the endless possibilities. the problems are its spice.

lastly: the purpose of life is having a child or two and trying to leave the world slightly better than you found it. it gives you purpose like nothing else ever will. ideally with someone you love, but even if that doesn't work out, having a kid is still the most incredible, amazing thing. think like getting a puppy, then multiply that feeling by 1000 and combine it with a bungee jump, graduating and a roller coaster ride.

hope you feel less gloomy soon!

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