LSD, DMT, Mushrooms to treat addiction

Dont get me wrong, I've done plenty psychedelics and I've enjoyed the experiences. if you got something positive out of taking LSD, that's great. I just dont think it's a good thing to advise others of doing and I don't agree with anyone doing that.

There's this culture surrounding psychedelics that they are some amazing wonder drug that will help you become a better and more aware person. While they open up your mind so you can think about reality in different ways, they are just a drug and the effects are contained within that. I've known people who shoot heroin and every time they got high they worked out all of their life problems and realized that they just need to quit. The first time I took adderall in high school I thought that I had gotten over my crippling social anxiety for good, and that it changed me for the better. So I don't really think it necessarily has anything to do with LSD or other psychedelics, its just how you feel when you get high. And LSD makes you really fucking high lol.

sorry for the long response

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