<---- Number of people who think Reddit should follow Twitter's lead and purge hateful alt-right subreddits

You need to listen to them, and you need to engage them. You need to openly debate and discuss with them. The failings of the left in the last few years rests solely on the inability of people to listen to their ideological opponents and, more critically, the inability to engage with them.

Nah thanks. Pretty sure I don't need to engage with white nationalists. Just like I didn't need to engage with young earthers or flat earthers.

We've seen how acknowledging and normalizing this stuff works. One day it's just a school board in Kansas that doesn't understand evolution. So we "talk about it" then suddenly there's focus tested phrases like "teach the controversy" and the next thing you know nationwide we have teachers that are required to read out loud to students that evolution is "just" a theory.

It's stupid. We will always have stupid people. Making them feel good about themselves by acknowledging they even have an inkling of an argument just legitimizes them and allows them to evolve and spread their ignorance.

Instead of AC having apologists such as yourself on his show every night attempting to explain "their side" he should have two guys arguing just how fucking wrong and stupid the alt right is and how sad it is that every few generations, we are having to re learn these lessons that most of us get.

The fact that you laothe Clinton so much that you would hope Trump would shock the system portrays a terribly naive low information voter. I hope you get everything you wish for because you literally have no idea what it is you are actually wishing for.

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