<Dispatch Redirect> 2015-12-4 21:30 UTC

We find ourselfs in a bar. Shady, smoke filled and otherwise cliche for a "Late night Bar"

We pass the patrons, all laughin and having a good time with each other. As the camera nears the counter a sound that can only be described as someone trying to smack a metal plate rings out from the bar catching a few glances and looks.

When the camera finaly looks up to the counter, a man in a Hawaiian shirt and loose Camoish pants. Underneath is all Chrome. Someone not even trying to hide the fact they were in a Hard accident. Or fight stands with a blank look towards a girl who turns around and furiously walks out the bar.

As if on que a Bottle of beer gets placed in front of the man

Bartender: "Ey, Jimmy. Not to be rude and all. But heres some advice when you try to pick up chicks. Youve got to figure out a better line than the old cliche ones. They've figured those out long ago, now youve got to be more creative. But then again, you being creative isnt something i can imagine without downing a bottle or 3"

Jimmy: "Your humor never ceases to brighten a bad mood. Youve got the Usuale drop off for me?"

Bartender: "From em E creeps? yea ive got your package right here"

Jimmy: "Good, Heres for today. Ill be back next week"

Bartender: "Yea, mabye i could begin teaching you how not to be a mess when it comes to the social revolving your personal life"

As Jimmy leaves the bar he gets a Recorded Message from his Fixer.

Joey: "ey sweet heart, ive got you a job. Youll probly be in the "if drek hits the fan" department but its a job nevertheless right?"

--:Johnson Message:--

Message Back.

"I wont mind Not getting shot at this time. Tell him im game"

((Jimmy is a FBR Sam, loves to do dective work))

/r/shadownet Thread