Lt. Gov. Habib calls it like it is

That again does not justify the violations of the constitution unless it it demonstrably temporary and unless it can survive strict scrutiny as reasonable justfication to violate constitutional rights. You can say till your blue in the face I can suspemd the constitution and shut down your business and deprive you of first amendment rights because I claim it is temporary and neccessary. But you better be able to prove that as we go month after month with no end. The judges themselves say in decisions that the longer it goes on, the more of an unreasonable deprivememt of constitutional right it becomes. Its not going to go away if I move fo Texas. It is going to be an increasingly hard to sustain the burden of an exception to the first amendment and to the takings clause if you cant meet that burden in the courts. I know you cant, its a high burden to survive over an extended period of time. It. will. not. survive. The question is when does it die.

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