<The Great Scam> 04-13-2017 00:00 Utc

\incoming encrypted message\ > \Decrypting file..\

It was 5:30 in the morning when Jawbreaker woke up. Some water and off to the gym. Morning is always the best time for exercise. With every heavy blow he laid down on the punching bag, memories of his mom's death and her dying regrets came flooding though all of a sudden. All she wanted was for her boy to lead a normal life. But how could he? Perhaps if his father was there to support the family...no, he was an asshole who never cared.

The commlink buzzed with a message. Jawbreaker needed the money, so the answer was yes.

<Reply Sent>
  • Jawbreaker Ork muscle. Automatic weapons and hand to hand combat. Somewhat of a b&e and stealth guy.

  • PDF view

(Runs: 5, Last game: 4/6 Dark Suit)

/r/shadownet Thread