<Operation Ramiel (Semi-Prime)> 2018-02-10 02:00 UTC

Friday night and Seattle's Corp slaves had made it home by now to whatever gifts their Trid recorders had saved for them. It was dusk and the city would soon be taken over by the partiers and the other empty souls looking for whatever momentary pleasures they could find to fill their personal voids. A good thing, as those vices were where Burke made his living.

He sat at the desk in the darkened office above Mama Leone's restaurant, the aroma of the garlic-infused sauces making him hungry after his workout. Faint restaurant noises came from below, telling him that Mama had not yet discouraged the citizens from eating there. Despite the obvious health code violations and rude service, last week's edition of the 'Soul of Seattle' webcast had posted favorable reviews and Mama couldn't get rid of the diners fast enough. With the citizens there, she couldn't conduct her REAL business and she was losing money nightly and therefore becoming irritable.

Since his last run, he'd been working on blind-fighting drills, and he was not yet satisfied with his performance. A single old-fashioned LED lamp on the desk was the only light, illuminating the dented, bent, and scarred mannequin in the corner, which would now need to be replaced. He was in sweatpants and had a green towel around his shoulders, a light sheen of sweat drying from his skin.

His heart was beating out of his chest; despite his excellent physical conditioning and upgrades, he'd been indulging too much on Mama's homemade bread lately, and he concentrated on his breathing as he rested. He drew huge breaths through his nose to expand his chest, held it momentarily, then released it through his mouth as if he were making the flame of an imaginary candle waver, but not go out, as he had been taught so long ago.

The rhythmic tapping continued and he realized it was the signal they'd rigged so long ago - 'come now but no immediate threat'. If it had been trouble, Mama would have notified him differently, or the armed thugs she called 'cooks' would have taken care of the problem before it reached this far. He quickly activated the monitor which showed him the hidden camera in the 'stockroom, and a well-dressed Ork wearing a cap, flanked by two of his own heavies from his open operation across town. The Ork was oddly at ease, which red flagged the situation, and Burke dressed quickly.

Descending the hidden and muffled steps carefully, he stopped at the entrance behind the group and assessed the situation carefully. The messenger has a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist and stood calmly between the two beefy Button-men, as if this occurred daily and was expected. He didn't look augmented, and as he made it through the Wards, he was not Awakened or was so powerful that it didn't matter. Still, he'd gotten the DNI message on his way down - this guy had been asking for him at the Club, and the guys there felt it important enough to bring him here. They'd scanned him, jammed him, and he had no idea where he was, nor was he broadcasting or recording.

Eddie, who's this you an' Frankie brought ta see me? What's th' story here? He spoke to the escorts, but his eyes regarded the Ork, measuring his response. He'd never allow this guy to a poker game - his face never wavered. The messenger wore a good cut but not great Executive Suite from last year and the strange flat-billed cap emblazoned with a familiar silver logo. Maxwell's Messengers had an exemplary reputation for personal deliveries and were guaranteed - their collateral was their life - and he'd used them himself. This made him feel more at ease as he accepted the envelope he was handed. He listened to the messenger and tipped him well - he'd earned every credit.

Brackhaus wants to do business with ME? NOW I'm intrigued.

Burke - Ork Made Man / Tank

Last Run: {It's Never That Easy](https://www.reddit.com/r/shadownet/comments/7q3ci9/its_never_that_easy_0200_1612018/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=shadownet)

Skills: Unarmed Combat - 19 dice (Kami), Automatics - 19 Dice (Kami), Perception - 17 Dice (Visual with glasses or mask)

/r/shadownet Thread