LTR vs. Daughter, a no win trap

You are your LTR's master and Lord, because you're her Man. And you are your daughter's master and Lord, because you're her Father. You already have the necessary authority to lead and order them around. If they live on your money and food, then they need your instruction too. Technically, they're your slaves, because you're their natural master. They need your commandments, they need your guidance, they need your rules. If they wouldn't need you, you wouldn't be their steward. If they wouldn't need you, they wouldn't bring you problems and frustrations and heartaches. If they wouldn't need you, they would be all solutions and and harmony and love. That's why you need to ..

*Tell. Them. What. They. Shalt. Do. And. Not. Do. *

Imagine that you'd have a ten year old grandson. A son who needs guidance and instruction. That son isn't mature, wise, masculine enough to discuss any important subject on an equal level as his grandfather is on. He hasn't been around or seen enough to understand or know or get anything, not as you have. The son's opinions are secondary, and thus irrelevant. You're not supposed to, you do not argue or negotiate with your son, because it would be completely wrong and dangerous to let that son have a say in anything important. And because that son lives and feeds upon Your Attention, Your Unending Commitment, Your Word, Your Bread, Your Love, Your Commandments. So long as that boy cries for Heavenly Granddaddy and the blessings his Almighty and Omnipotent Father. You wouldn't let that son have a say in if or when he goes to school or does his homework, would you? You would only let him be in charge of his tooth-brushing, if he had shown proof that he is mature enough to handle it, right?

Nor should you allow your LTR or daughter to have a say, if they don't show enough proofs of maturity, if they don't show proofs of divinity.

/r/marriedredpill Thread