Lucid dreamers of Reddit, what is the craziest dream you have been in?

Holy cheese wiz, I've got one that is super scary to me, but I'm sure everyone else will thinks it's stupid but thats how in the moment, lucid dreams work. Also it's a tad long but there's alot happening here.

So one thing I have to preface here is that I can understand that I am in a dream and I can typically predict when my subconscious is going to shake things up timing wise. What this means is that I have some wicked crazy moments in dreams where I am sarcastically thinking to myself, huh if my subconscious would come up with something cool to put in here, it would happen right.... now! Pretty much I have some weird moments where I see the dream as a witty observer making fun of what my subconscious brain has come up with for me to view. I get alot of joy out of it honestly, but I had one that genuinely freaked me out. I treat scary dreams like horror movies and I make fun of them as a coping mechanism to get through. So before I get into the dream, let me summarize why this dream freaked me out. I knew I was in a scary dream, and I was sarcastically moving through the dream joking at how it wasn't scary, but then my brain came up with an ending I couldn't predict that was actually scary to me which blew me away in itself, and I woke up breathing hard.

The Dream: This was awhile ago, so I don't remember too much of the early parts, but my family used to live in this old wooden farmhouse in the country, with creaky stairs, a dusty attic, and a moldy basement. My parents built a new house nearby on the same ground, so that old house is still there and deserted, it's too expensive to demolish it, so it just sits there with some old stuff still inside. In the dream, I just remember walking through our old house and there was mist floating around, and the wind was blowing through, and I specifically remember this image of a ghost floating around lazily through one of the outside windows. There were misty voices, and it was nighttime and almost pitch black, but I knew my way around because I grew up there. Because I was aware this was a scary dream, I went into watching a horror movie defense mode and was genuinely not scared of any of it, but as I was walking up the stairs from my basement I got cocky, and I remember willing my subconscious to give me a challenge and really try to scare me. But I had other dreams like this and was not expecting much in return. The key here is the timing, I was still walking up the basement stairs, and I didn't think my subconscious would come up with anything, but I said to myself that if something did happen it would happen... right... now... and that's when I hear, one single computer mouse click. I freaked out because it meant someone was living in the basement of our abandoned house and I was walking through it alone. I know that this may not be worse than ghosts to everyone reading, but because I can easily dissociate ghosts and horror in movies but the intruder here was connected to a physical place I lived in as a kid and still live by made it so real and horiffying. And in that instant I was in shock that the part of my brain controlling the dream came up with something crazy like that. I was literally going through this clown show fiesta of a scary dream thinking of ways it could be better, like a dumb horror movie, but then my subconscious decides to pick an ending that I never saw coming, and genuinely terrified me. I woke up in a cold sweat and it took a long time to calm down.

TL;DR Had a scary dream where I was walking through the house I grew up in, my subconscious chose to genuinely scare me.

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