Lucidity boots on vel?

As mid, I go dorans two cookies and yellow, try and farm safely until 3, ward the side of river I feel is safer based on enemy jg sightings and top and support's roam capability, and start to poke a little with my lvl 1 q and auto's here and there, since my lvl 2-3 W can easily clear a minion wave without paying too much attention as long as you space the first and second w out by about three seconds. You can use this by letting your minion wave take half the health out of the enemy minion front line and then W, reposition to throw a q off between the two sets of 3-minion enemy clumps in hopes of hitting enemy midlaner, if it looks like it won't, I have to reassess quickly to decide on using the Q split to take out at least one minion to get at least some mana back, but keep moving back to behind your minion wave, then quickly use your second w to land third stack of vel research on the back 3 enemy minions killing them immediately, and opening the lane for a direct q -> auto -> e run away if enemy jgler nearby or if syndra because syndra is a cunt with her insta stuns, or if not running away, enemy midis probably half health or lower from dropping w very quickly (within 7 seconds) to drop third stack and hopefully add one more, q wil lbe back up, ignite even if it isn't certain to kill, and auto again to scare them into backing off, flashing away, or going all in. In this high-risk high-reward stage, I usually flash to reposition or straight up flash to run away. Granted, by now its lvl 5 and i hav eno summoners, sometimes I will be dumb and stay to greed for minions or the enemy mid if they stay with < 1/3 health, because after this wave or the next you're probably bound to have ult. If I'm smart, I would walk to 2nd tier turret and back so the enemy jgler doesn't still see how easy a kill you are with no summs, low mana and barely any health at this point. It honestly probably is worth it to stay at that point, provided you hug tower and farm safely like you said instead of fostering deep resentful and vengeful thoughts towards the enemy midlaner, because you backing off gives them a definite early lvl 6, and in a position to roam to drag or bot lane with you lying helpless at base to do nothing but ping your team that your responsibility is roaming to show you what the death timer looks like. Never mind that, because you (me in this case) are just not that good to not die against all tehse midlaners that are better than you, so just don't feed the first kill, lose about 25% of your tower health, return with fresh items, mana, and ulti by the time you're at the next wave. Don't let it tilt you, mistakes happen in these high risk situations, you just gotta make sure the damage isn't completely unecessary (such as at least setting up a cleanup kill for your jg if you're gonna die for sure). At this back, or death in my cases, I pick up Lost Chapter unless I'm against either Zed or Talon mid lane, they just hurt so much gais, wtf, and that zed ult, gives me trauma. I also pick up two pink wards every chance I get, regardless of being mid or support. I do this for a very silly and stupid reason, but it gives me so much pleasure that I'm not yet willing to stop doing it. The reason is, I drop that pink in a river bush near mid for the vision of course, but I always keep another one handy in the inventory so that if I see someone about to kill the ward, I'll place my second one wherever I'm at to cancel the money they get from it. It is troll as fuck, I realize that, and love it so much. You waste 75 gold, but sometimes you can use their wasted time and attention to bait them long enough for jgler to nab them up, or simply distract them from more important things like your blue buff that my jgler is stealing or the crab critter for drag or baron vision which can be crucial after the outer turrets go down. Like i said, you waste 75 gold EVERY back at least, but it makes me smile :) and that's why we play this game right? Geometry and smiles, adn the occasional walk away, mastery 7 taunt as the second proc of your W kills those ignorant simpletons.

Oh, right, the boots, luc's or no was the question. And for mid, after I get seekers if I had to, I rush lost chapter, and then swifties. If you can't buy them together, I get swifties, play safe for another level or two until a team fight or drag, and at that back I pick up lost chapter. With your W at around lvl 4 or 5 at this point, money should no longer be a problem because minion waves are like butter here. Again, very dumb decisions of rushing swifty here, most of you will probably say (and please do if you think so, I welcome the reminders), because at this point your only completed item is your l2 boots, while zhonya and morellow are still like 1600 gold away from completion each. thankfully, you're running 17.5 cdr from your runes and masteries! Coupled with doran's ring and lost chapter mana regen, you don't need to worry about your actual AP, because I try and abuse the true damage stack drops. On a very good day, I can proc my research twice in a 1v1 with maybe a final q before ult + ignite, (so 7 total stacks by the time I decide to go all in, meaning two separate procs of research true damage, but to do this you have to be willin gto let them push into your lane and bait them forward into you or else with no vision on river and minions hurting your dear turret, they have way too easy an escape, AND, the potential to turn with a fucking surprise jg Lee Sin kick under their tower or that pesky roaming blitz support, but, with your newfound movespeed you can reposition to both dodge THEIR skillshots since they'll have the not many minion's to go through to hit you if they've got you up against the turret, but ALSO allows you to reposition to maximize your chances of keeping them corralled under turret long enough to force them to back off from enough damage, or keep them there long enouhg for your jg to show up to solidify the kill. Unfortunately, this is where my midlane velkoz build ends it's movespeed additions, because the rest, as much as I hate it, HAS to go into either Rabadon rush if you're far ahead, haunting guise if they're not squishy and have wave clear (your constant burn keeps them from any real health regen and if they've built abyssal its way less of a problem, or if I am behind Liandry's works well again because of the health bonus and mpen against enemy locket's, banshee's, and over all tankiness.

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