"Lucky to be broke"

I make about 90K in the midwest and here's how I piss away money:

Go out to eat for lunch/dinner virtually every day

Buy ridiculously expensive beers/liquors when cheaper shit would do just fine

Adopt expensive pointless hobbies like collecting guns (I'm a liberal gun nut), building bicycles, buying video games at full price that I only play for about an hour at most, buying bass guitars, etc

Live in a place above my means, when I could pay far cheaper rent than I currently do.

Do stupid shit like upgrade my computer when the existing computer I own works perfectly fine for my needs.

Realize that none of these material possessions amount to jack shit and the true joy in life is friends and loved ones, but also realize that I have very few friends/loved ones in my life so really all these material possessions are an attempt to fill an emptiness in my life which will never actually be filled because none of this bullshit even matters really, so to get over this depression I just spend more money on stupid shit.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com