Luffy at the start of the series


Like seriously most of the marines in marine Ford were foughter that luffy easily took down.

It seems you have a problem seperating those foughter from people who are actually strong.

When I say begining of series luffy is stronger than 99.9999% of the one oiece world, that doenst mena he is stringer than a vice admirals or strong rear admirals that just kena's he I stronger than the power level marines on marine Ford who are also elites.

The guns in marine Ford were elite grunts yet they were massively weaker than luffy, we can conclude that even elite grunts aren't that strong , and most people would fall into this category.

Just because in a world wide draft they got fujitora and green bull doenst this kind of power is common.

To out into prepective the top 100 people in the series in terms of power would be in the top 0.0000001%,, so begining of series luffy being in the top 100,000 strongest charecter isn't me high balling it's me massively underastimating him, luffy in the begining of series was about as strong as someone with a 100 million bounty and there are at most 1000 people with that type of bounty in the series.

You see to confuse the existence of 2 people on the level of admirals in the entire world as proof that there are thousands of people like that, when in fact most of the pirate na d marine in one oiece are foughter, just like the elite marines in marine Ford even though they are stronger than average that doesn't mean much against stronger people

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