Luke JR's patreon is hilarious

You said it as diplomatically as possible. $120k / yr "sponsorship" is easily a full-time wage, for which he is offering 1 week of on-site work, even for $24k he is offering 10 hours of work. So in other words, his minimum wage is $2,000 / hr. That's god tier, or $4 Mil / yr annualized... as a contracted employee, minimum 1 yr commitment.

I know a guy who I wanted to hire for a blockchain project, as a favor. He was making $15 / hr lifting boxes. Said he wouldn't work for me for less than $2,000 / hr as well. He is also a 'religious libertarian socialist', or however you'd describe this mindset.

The fault is perceiving work as sin. Both him and Luke have a similar mindset: those who trade work for money are sinners. So in this regard, starvation is better than performing labor and engaging in trade.

For those who are biblical, Jesus explicitly goes against this. He says 'those who do not invest and put their assets to use should be stripped of their possessions' and 'work regardless of wage fairness'. He also says, for those who understand him, to devote your life to study and 'treating others as you'd like to be treated'. How can you beg for money, unless you in turn are giving this money away to whomever begs it of you? Again, not earnings or trading, but begging.

Benjamin Franklin correctly interprets the message of Jesus, which most drastically fall short in understanding, for he spoke in riddles. It takes significant wisdom to understand his message, and most of biblical hatred and revolting preachings are clear misapplication of his words. I recall Luke condemned Ver as a "liar". After citing the passages in which Jesus instructed an entire town to never pass condemnation upon a person holistically, he simply replied 'not this time'.

Likewise, Jesus spoke up significantly against the adhorant practice of stagnant, 'from above' knowledge. He lived he life as one who challenged the system, contradicted the status quo, and sought knowledge and communicated it gladly to common people, not the approved officiants. He never begged for money, or ever implied giving away money lead to salvation. Instead he taught others to work, trade, cooperate, and invest. This is societally sustaining, a path to peace.

If you want to understand the wisdom of Jesus, it is better to read Benjamin Franklin than attend a sermon. He devoted a large portion of his work to preventing the misinterpretation of his words, after seeing what was made of the words of Jesus, and so forth. In short, you can be a dunderhead and still gather his meaning. Jesus significantly higher wisdom, but even Benjamin Franklin is confusing.

I am sad to think anyone has been so mislead by pharisees as to think not working and extorting others of money for heavenly reward has anything to do with the biblical message. It does not. The message of the bible is to work, trade, cooperate, and invest. This is the same message (generally applied) as capitalism (but of course there are the socialist elements for the poorest, of which Luke and most people who have the internet do not qualify).

I wish him luck, and I know he has plenty of money and doesn't need to work (obviously). In so much as he feels and presents $2,000 / hr as a fair trade for his time, this is acceptable. In so much as he presents himself as the poorest person upon earth who needs charity for they are unable to meaningfully contribute due to lack of education, illness, or circumstance, this is false.

I absolutely wish him the best, but everyone needs to treat others as they would want to be treated. Unless Luke is giving away $100,000 to others, then should not be asking for it either.

Surely Jesus promoted peace and prosperity, not poverty and strife. Unfortunately many have been misled. If he returned to a better path, he could easily become worth $200,000 / yr, as is he will only perform as explicitly instructed and forced, which is hardly worth more than $40 / hr, at best. But I do wish him the best of luck, he has been a valued contributor for years and years, has a good heart, and bountiful family. For the good of all, I wish him the best.

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