Lyft drivers on r/lyft defend a probable sexual predator after OP says her driver came on to her while she was drunk

I don't see it as a problem that his initial thought is "she wants my dick". He is at least aware that this thinking is flawed and very unlikely ever true.

Some people are just like that.
And if he needs to fap before a shift to help him reduce such thoughts, no problem.

Him thinking all men should do so... He's aware enough to know he's wrong but not aware enough to know not all men are like that...

And the truly problematic part is the "don't risk it if she's drunk cause she might regret it the next day!". Not taking blame for taking advantage of a drunk woman, merely seeing it as a danger to oneself... Basically saying "if there were no potential consequences I'd totally take advantage of!"

Yeps, total creep.
But the drama is quite limited I'd have to say. Not remotely enough to put some popcorn in the microwave.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread