Lying, excuses, and accountability

Honestly, bullet journaling (or just making a written list of things I should be doing) has been incredibly helpful for me in terms of getting things done. I also HAVE to have due dates, even if they're self imposed, also written down. Because if it's just "do this thing that seems boring or hard or like too much effort", it'll never get done. Another good technique I've started doing is if I'm faced with a task that seems too hard/boring/overwhelming, asking myself, "Okay, why don't we want to do this task? Do we need more information about it? Do you feel like you can't do it on your own and should ask someone you trust for help? Do you not know where to begin?" If any of those questions come back with "yes", I'll have some idea of how to begin to tackle the issue of not doing the thing. If none of those questions come back with "yes", it's usually just an executive dysfunction thing, and I'll try to just get the task over with as quickly and painlessly as possible. Hope this helps!

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