lying for recommend

I lied my ass off to the bishop all the time, especially when I was a teenager. As a teenager I remember one time in particular when I was as high as a kite, and after the interview the bishop told me he had felt the spirit strongly. I know I did. So he advanced me to priest, I guess it was. After the interview my girl friend was waiting for me, we went to the park and made out. I had a cool mom who encouraged me to lie to the bishop, she said our family was none of their business. My father must have lied to the bishop as well since he smoked and loved beer (never openly flaunted his vices) but had a temple recommend. I never once felt guilty. I always had a feeling the church was lying to me about J.S. and the BOM so I just reciprocated. My parents have passed on so I can't ask them why they said one thing and did another, but now that I'm fully out, I believe it has to be how toxic the church is to people who question or leave. And sometimes it's best to save face for the sake of the family. As far as masturbation, it's not only healthy but very normal.

/r/exmormon Thread