Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama

Oh wait you’re a fucking Canadian?

And proud of it. Also, going through someone's old posts for ammunition is a low blow. I didn't do that for you, so I'd expect the same courtesy in return, the Golden Rule and all that.

You don’t even understand the deal with the North and the South in the US so please refrain from running your mouth as a foreigner because your 2 cents on this issue is worthless,

You might want to brush up on your 20th century history. Once you do, you may find that what you said is a little ironic since the States basically perfected the concept of sticking their nose into other countries' business. As well, I'm fairly certain that most democratic countries have laws about free speech (e.g. your own First Amendment) so that someone's two cents on a subject means as much as anyone else's.

it’s like if me as an American tried lecturing you on Canada’s complex and deep rooted societal situations

I've seen that happen more times than I care to remember and trust me: It's very annoying. However, be that as it may, they're allowed to think that way and I'm fine with that. I'll just simply explain why I say they're wrong and be done with it.

On that note, before this goes any further, here's a proposition: We both agree to disagree, we both put an end to this chain of toxic comments before the mods get involved, and we both let everyone else just enjoy the damn song. Deal?

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