I (m 31) am growing tired of my wife’s (f 31) hangups on sex.....

Can being on BC actually improve libido?

I ask because my girlfriend and I were doing great sexually however once we moved in together she stopped taking it and our sex life has dwindled tremendously. I definitely put things on her too much and feel because I'm the one working and I am contributing at home as well (taking groceries home / bringing food home) that she should want sex more than it actually happens. But I'm not taking her feelings into account enough. I don't really make many romantic gestures and because I am working it can make my mood less enthusiastic and happy which is definitely not sexy. Plus just working and bringing home groceries/food for us and cleaning up the apartment a few times per month isn't actually contributing THAT much. I need to be more available emotionally and more romantic and happy. That said, if all those factors were met, do you think birth control could actually improve libido for some women? I've wondered if that was a factor at all...

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