I’m an 18 year old depressed, obese virgin. I just started a diet that made me lose 20 lbs before, but I quit out and gained all the weight back. Don’t let me quit again. Do your worst.

Hey I have a child that is obese. Its heart breaking. He is still young and does not understand what he will be facing in the long run. The very fact that you decided to lose the weight BEFORE YOU WERE 18 and actually did it is so hopeful to me. You are amazing. All I would say is, don't make losing weight your goal. You are not that overweight. How about making fitness your goal? Say a 5 K or more by the end of the year. There are couch to 5k programs. May be an hour of exercise everyday for a whole year? And small changes in diet. Soda once a week, Desserts once a week, smaller portions or simply a salad at every meal, smoothies and so on? I just think the diet bandwagon is not for everyone. The yoyo is a bad place to be. I think a year of exercise and healthier eating will be enough to put you on the right track. Track your exercise not your meals. Your diet will follow. I know that diet is key to losing weight, but not everyone is meant to be skinny, or eat like a model. Good luck.

/r/RoastMe Thread Link - i.redd.it