I’m an elite. You’re an elite. We’re all elite.

The idea of everyone being special is leftover kindergarten bullshit and was reinforced by mid-2000s iPod commercials where everyone has their own "unique vibe" (contrived hipster outfit\hair\hat combination) which thereby allows them to "do their thang".

The reality is that most humans are unremarkable and dull and always have been. We used to admire rock stars and the sort for being exceptionally interesting but now, post-self esteem movement (thanks boomers), everyone wants to be a rock star without actually having any talent or character to justify that ego. That's why tattoos, piercings and dyed hair is as common as polo shirts.

Some members of the human race are truly special; independent minds capable of original thought. The rest of you were lied to by people that didn't have the heart to tell you that we're all going to be forgotten some day.

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