I’m Bill Hudson, a reporter for WCCO-TV in Minneapolis. I was in the courtroom when the Officer Yanez was found not guilty of manslaughter after he shot Philando Castile during a traffic stop. AMA.

I'm pretty far from a social justice warrior. But cool insult, bro. Not a lot of wealthy white males give a shit about the fringe left. They're after my rights and my money.

But I'm also not a moron hill-billy with a simplified, black and white view of everything. I never blamed the cop if you didn't notice. I think this was a difficult situation and there are ways, institutional and systematic ways to prevent it in the future. Talking hypotheticals about how the victim could have done this or that is just circle jerking retardeness. That was my point all along. That's you're an idiot who lacks the capacity to think past picking one side to blame and moving on with your life.

And yet....you still haven't answered the one opinion question I asked of you.

You still want to talk hypotheticals? What would have happened if he was a pretty white guy in a suit who didn't put his hands on the steering wheel? What would have happened if he never told the cop he had a gun? What if we outlawed CCW? What if we banned black people from driving?

Look how pointless this is...

What if aliens attacked and killed the cop? What if we built robocops to handle traffic stops so we weren't worried about them getting shot?

How productive..

/r/IAmA Thread Parent