I’m bored. Let’s make Artifact cards in the style of Hearthstone


Hero Mana/atk/def text
Ancient apparition 3/3/3 Battlecry: give an enemy minion Countdown 2: deal 4 damage to this minion.
Bane 2/1/2 Battlecry: select an enemy minion. While this is alive, that minion has -5atk
Batrider 4/4/4 Whenever this attacks an enemy hero, give it Vulnerable 1 until the end of the turn.
Chen 5/4/5 Battlecry: heal all allies between 1 and 4 hp and deal between 1 and 4 damage to all enemies.
Crystal maiden 1/1/2 Battlecry: freeze an enemy character. Deathrattle: freeze a random enemy character.
Dark seer 5/3/4 Battlecry: summon a 4/4 copy of each enemy minion.
Dazzle 2/1/4 Battlecry: give a friendly character immune. Remove the immunity at the start of your next turn.
Death prophet 6/2/2 Battlecry: summon 4 ghost spirits.
Ghost spirit 2/4/4 Illusive. Countdown 2: destroy this.
Disruptor 2/2/2 Choose one: return a minion to its owners hand or deal 5 damage to all silenced enemies.
Enchantress 5/5/4 Whenever this is attacked, the attacker loses 4 atk until the end of the turn.
Enigma 7/5/6 Battlecry: summon 3 eidolons.
Eidolon 3/3/3 Countdown 3: summon a copy of this minion (with its own countdown)
Invoker 10/10/10 Battlecry: discover an invocation and cast it
Invocation name effect
Cold snap Give invoker frost touch and +4 atk vs frozen characters
Forge spirits Summon 2 forge spirits (5/5/5)
Ice wall While invoker is in play, only one enemy minion can attack per turn.
Sun strike Select one of the 7 "play slots" on the field. The next minion to enter that spot takes 20 damage.
Ghost walk Give invoker stealth which reapplies at the end of your turns.
Tornado Remove 2 random enemy minions from play until the end of your next turn.
Alacrity Give invoker windfury
Meteor Deal 4 damage to the leftmost enemy minion, 5 damage to the next, etc
Emp At the start of your next turn, silence all enemies then deal 3 damage to them.
Deafening blast Until the start of your next turn, all enemies have 0atk (that can't be increased by any means)
/r/Artifact Thread