I’m broken and my faith is dead

This isn't a book. But, it's a quick question. When I was 2, a close friend of my mom began staying at her house. While although he wasn’t my father (neither biologically related to me nor legally related to me), which is why I called him by his first name, he slowly became more of a fatherly figure to me, and so I began calling him “Dad” around the age of 5. I also met his immediate family members a few times when he and my mom went to visit them during the holidays, including his sister (who I was told I could call “Aunt”), his daughter, his brother, his parents (who I was told I could call Oma and Opa), and others. When I was 10, he and my mom began to dislike each other, and their relationship devolved into one in which he only stayed around the house because she didn't want to kick him out and make him homeless. There were many fights, and his relationship with me slowly became distanced, less of one of a fatherly figure. At age 13, I found out that his sister, the one that I’d met a few times during the holidays when I was younger, is a world famous pornstar. I looked her up online, and because I felt aroused, I ended up masturbating to the video. One or two years later, I ended up masturbating to another one of her videos. When I was 20, he and my mom began healing their relationship, and a year later, he moved out of the house but this time on good terms with her. I still communicate with him a couple times a year via phone/video chat, and I still call him Dad out of habit. Having written all of that, some people have been arguing that what I did was incestuous. That’s why I’m asking all of you. What do you all think? Do you think that it’s incestuous, and if so, in what way(s)? If it’s not incestuous, what are the reason(s)?

/r/OpenChristian Thread