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some suggestions for dealing with cravings;

I found having a tracker app helpful (not everyone likes those). I used "I Am Sober" and I found it helped because it was like having a highscore in a game, and it would say things like "you will reach your next milestone in 3 hours" - and it would encourage me that I could make it 3 more hours to unlock the next "level". it also had daily motivational quotes.

Something fun I did was drawing a picture but only adding a single detail onto it at the end of each day that I didn't smoke. After a few days it really started to take shape and I didn't want to leave it unfinished. It would be a reminder of how far I'd come and also like a little reward at the end of each day without smoking.

When I had a craving, I would try to just "put it off". I personally found it overwhelming to think of quitting forever, so I tried to break it up into smaller goals - telling myself "just make it 1 month and see how I feel", and as I approached each milestone I'd move the goal further - and eventually I reached the point that I don't want to smoke anymore. I did a similar version with cravings where I'd put it off for an hour, and it would help relax my brain into thinking I could smoke soon. Sometimes in an hour I would forget all about it. If not, I would feel really good that I resisted for an hour, and put it off another hour.

Remember this quote: "the urge to smoke will pass whether you give in to it or not"

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