I’m done being ashamed of myself, I want to lose weight. Advice on how to do it?

General rule - theres no such thing as over eating, but under-exercising is real. Common myth - calories are how much fat in food - this is untrue calories are a measurement of how much energy is in food. If you’re consuming more energy than you’re using/burning, your body will store that energy for a rainy day. As fat.

Eating a considerable amount less for a period of time, your body will start to store fats more often as its unsure when it will get its next meal. So eat regularly, small amounts of a BALANCED diet. Protein, carbs, veg. Small portions go a long way when you’re having them every 2 hours This can be hard to do as work life or home life can be hectic. That is where protein shakes come in. Or light snacks.

You could eat 5000 calories worth of pizza. And be burning 6000 calories a day and lose weight. But your organs and cholesterol wont be too good. People say diet is 90% of losing weight. Personally i think this untrue. Its a 50/50 split.

I wouldn’t spend all day counting calories and then counting how much calories you burn through exercise Though. Thats unnecessary mental strain. And it takes alot of enjoyment out of meal-time. Just have a general idea of what your consuming and adjust your exercise accordingly Had a sneaky kebab on the weekend? Just run an extra 30 mins on your next cardio day.

Im no professional. And im definitely not a dietitian. But those people have to make money from you. And if they worked. Theyd never make money. So IGNORE “diet-trends” and “super supplements” as those are all bogus scams.

Exercise regularly, eat regularly and your body will do all the work. More exercise + smaller food intake = weight loss But don’t reduce your intake drastically.

/r/loseit Thread