I’m a female who can’t relate to the feminism movement. And that’s killing me.

I 100% care about that. I think that it’s complete injustice, just like how a female counterpart in a murder may get significantly less time if they claim manipulation.

However, pedophiles and murderers make up a tiny percentage of the world. I’m more concerned with everyday life. The fact that I literally cannot do the same things that my male friends do in fear of being harmed.

The whole “men are killed more often” trope has nothing to do with gender equality. Men aren’t killed for being men, women ARE killed for being women. Men are more active in gang violence and dangerous behavior, thus the higher murder rates.

As a side note, I find it funny that people like you only advocate for men’s rights when it’s to derail a conversation about feminism. When I have extra change I donate it to sexual assault education/recovery programs like IRC, which assist men and boys as well. What the hell do you do for the gender you’re so ready to fight for in a comments section?

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