i’m a girl who had issues with my sex life due to porn, and i’ve finally quit it

yea ofc, because you want that attention that comes from advertising your gender in a majority-male forum lol


im just kidding tho. everyone wants interaction, nothing wrong with that.

I encourage you to definitely stop watching, if that isn't obvious from being on this forum. It is totally possible to have a problematic relationship with it, despite what some of these "professionals" write in Psychology Today. And that's just a physical, evidence-based, perspective.

If you want to go beyond that, some here would even go so far as to say that porn is immoral, that it darkens your mind, that it makes you more self-centered and hedonistic, and less happy. Of course, nobody would blame you if you only wanted to stick to the evidence and not draw metaphysical conclusions.

But I'm glad you're being honest about your porn use and not just parroting the "pOrN iS hEAlThY sExUAliTy" morons.

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