I’m good with calculations

Trump:Bernie has no jurisdiction. He'll ask once again for the people's financial support and become the democratic nominee. I know sleeper hits when I see them. Career Politician 1: What are you proposing? Trump: It's simple we..ah..damage his reputation. Career Politician 2: If it's so simple why haven't you done it yourself? Trump: If you're good at manipulating the masses, never do it for free. Carreer Politician: How much you want? Trump: Eh, the whole House of representatives. Laughter Hillary: You're a dictator.. Trump: I'm not. No, I'm not..! If we won't do it now, then little Hillary here, won't even have a shed, after Bill's getting all the estate at the divorce. Hillary: Enough from the Orange Man! Trump: Da da da! shows his russian bots, ready to turn the public against them We really should not blow things out of proportion. Clinton: you think you can bully everyone and get away with it? Trump: Yeah. Clinton: I have an offer to make. Financial support for the rest of their career for an impeached Orange Man. When he gets to Jail, I'll help you to become President, so he gets really humiliated. Trump: Alright, just make an appointment at the White House if you want to save your establishment. Here's my Twitter Account.

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