So I’m just kind of generally an asshole, I can’t figure out how to change, and my therapist won’t help.

First of all I think it’s really awesome that you’re becoming aware of your behavior, owning up to it and wanting to work on change. Good for you.

I used to go to a lot of meetups back when I was single and moving a lot for work. I met a lot of “assholes” like you (how you describe you anyway). They seem to frequent these kind of things. Especially at trivia nights or game meetups.

At these functions I’d pray no one ever asked what I did for a living or asked about college because as soon as I mentioned my job or that I have a PhD I’d be a target for those like you—people who are always wanting to argue and push opinions when I just wanted to relax and have fun. I don’t know why my background set them off but it did. Maybe they assumed I’d be like them and want to argue? I don’t know. Incidentally most of them were not as educated or successful as you so maybe they were compensating.

Can I ask why you like to argue so much? Do you think less of people who don’t want to argue all the time or push their opinions and knowledge on others?

/r/socialskills Thread