I’m lost and confused…

  1. You are not kidding yourself my friend, you are exploring and finding yourself. Allah SWT encourages exploration and learning.
  2. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. He is speaking to the reader. It is literal, but also has a deeper meaning. Everything Allah does is intricate and complex, with layers of meaning to his actions and words. Allah is the most gracious and most merciful. Allah gives punishments to those who sin.

Allah teaches us empathy for everyone. Even if you sin, whether it be by homosexuality, disbelief, or dressing unmodestly, we are not the judge, only Allah is able to judge the sinners. Allah will forgive you if you truly have faith and submit to him and his word. You have an entire lifetime to secure your place in Jannah, I don't think it is harsh to have the sinners burn in hellfire, when they have been given signs time and time again, and each time they refute them. The reason why you wish for such compassion for the sinners is because you are surrounded by sin and by decadence and have grown used to it. The Day of Judgement is extremely near. As one of my favorite Islamic scholar Sheik Yusuf said, "The atheists have won this world, but we have won the next."

Do not assume what Allah would do. Look at the word of Allah, and you will find the answer. Allah is reason and empathy. Allah is merciful and all knowing. Do not let the sins of those around you make you blind to the true path.

/r/progressive_islam Thread