I’m a mom raising my family at the poverty line and I’m sick of it.

I appreciate that, but wonder. Why did it make you annoyed? I’m poor, I have babies, my husband isn’t the most helpful guy. I have education as a viable option and we’re still young and have time to figure it out. This is such a standard origin story in many families. At least I’m the LDS culture I was raised in. I’m not relating with the shock and horror. I don’t think my family won’t be okay, the struggle just gets to me at times, the struggle of being poor gets to everyone who is poor at times. It’s good to hear from others in the same boat or who once were in this boat. If this isn’t you, then don’t respond to the post. It doesn’t apply. Why do people want to make others feel bad? Be helpful or keep scrolling.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent