I’m no Pope professional but I think he’s doing it wrong...

Thank you for that clarification. But the way I look at it, it's all folklore and fairy tales to me at this point. Raise your kids right, teach em to give back and MAGA. Past that pedes can teach their kids about the flying spaghetti monster. Every religion has been slaughtering each other since the beginning of human time. The difference is, we put men on the Moon, so we KNOW better. Arguing about whose Sky Monster is right and how long they were a zombie for is irrelevant at this point IMO. Libtards are literally denouncing science and rejecting history and all statistical and empirical data. NO religion can be actually PROVEN that is why we call it faith. And from the sound of it for the Catholics here, the pope blows, save your money and donate it to the Trump Super PAC because if we lose the second or the first amendment, we all FUCKED.

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