I’m not an expert, but this doesn’t really seem like the best idea?

yeah but the thing is the image shows wheatgrass and alfalfa sprouts both have been know to cause e coli idk if it's due to poor management leading to cross contamination but I just wouldn't risk it, I mean my tanks water's as clean as drinking water would you drink it if I asked you to? Very likely no so for the same reasons I just wouldn't risk it, and since it's using a top filer the flow rate would prolly be too fast and cause root rot but let's play devil's advocate here and give them the benefit of the doubt the wheatgrass and alfalfa are clearly planted from that setup and not store bought the flow ratio works perfectly fine, you'd still suffer from 1 same problem that ruins perfect picture the amount of potting space is too shallow hence any other plants that do not require a constant water supply would eventually succumb to root rot making this impossible. [I'm terribly sorry if I'm spamming but please accept my apology, would love to see someone test this out themselves tho. I'll stop now sorry once again.]

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