I’m open to discussion!

HOLY COW. You realize many countries labeled “third world” are doing well for themselves. Nor is the quality of life homogenous across nations or regions labeled as so. Even first-world countries have people in extreme poverty. The only exception is that first-worlders expect to have the right to a big house and all these other things that are extra when it comes to what you need to have a happy, fulfilling life. Materialism. A first-world problem. Why hoarding is such a first-world problem. Some homeless in the US look like they are living worse off then the poorest countries in the world. This is the US we're even children can be homeless yet supposedly one of the wealthiest, resource filled nations in the world.

It’s also ignorant to assume third-worlders lack resources when to this day, most first-world goods require extracting from third-world countries of both labor and resources. It’s called neocolonialism, and this statement from you feels incredibly racist, but I will assume you don’t know about neocolonialism, not traveled or thought about these “third world” areas much.

/r/Natalism Thread Parent