I’m scared

We’re in a time of trial. Let’s imagine for a second that everything that exists has meaning. That there is reason and purpose for everything. Everything is for a good reason.

Right now we are being given a choice. We need to decide, as a human race, whether or not we want to continue living in this earth. It’s clear as day when you can quiet the fear in your head and listen to the love in your heart. Tell me that you don’t feel in your heart that what I’m saying to you is true.

There is an even bigger sickness coming. The next pandemic will likely wipe out 25% of the earth’s population. How soon it gets here depends on the choices we make - today. Pay attention. Since China was hit with the coronavirus, their carbon footprint was decreased by 25%. If we don’t start to acknowledge and respect the fact that we are not somehow more entitled to good life than all other species on this planet, Mother Earth will create that necessary balance herself; by removing the problem.

Don’t you see? It’s not about punishment. It’s only about love and balance for ALL of our relations here. We need to decide whether we will live in love, respect, honesty, humility, courage, truth, and wisdom or in anger, fear, jealousy, confusion, greed, sickness, and hatred. Relatives, we’re on trial here. Take courage. Let go of the fear and hatred. Let it go.

This will sound like craziness to many of you. It doesn’t matter. Haha. Some things are true whether we choose to believe them or not. Each one of us needs to decide. And as a whole... You’ll see...

/r/confessions Thread