I’m scared of death

Wow this person literally could have killed you. I guess there is no way to prove that now but I would never speak to that person again! Hmm I didn’t visit anyone in heaven. But when I tried to finally calm down and lay in bed, my whole body was numb and I kept hearing a voice in my head (it was my dad but he’s alive still) and he kept saying I died ,like over and over again. Like he was telling someone else that I died, but I was there while it was happening. I guess similar to an out of body experience maybe? It was so terrifying. I kept on thinking about how I would never see anyone I loved ever again because I was dead. I know it sounds super weird because it was lol. But yeah that’s basically what happened besides my body being all twitchy. It was just an experience for me but life altering at that. I look at things much differently now.

And thank you for the good vibes too ☺️

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