Why I’m supporting Sanders over Clinton: This could be the moment to reclaim the Democratic Party and reshape history

I mean, how much more can this country take? Or rather, how much more can the citizens take. Hillary offers so much of the same, that I think people ARE starting to see this as a do or die situation. No one wants to be locked into another 8 year admin, where things don't radically change.

Also, I'm baffled that Clinton is even doing this well. I really am. Just look at her history, it's insane. She's one of the most corrupt career politicians around, not to mention a pretty terrible human being.

I also think it's important to note that, if Clinton wins, she very much is likely to pick 1-2 supreme court justices. My trust in Bernie, means I can feel confident in his choices. Clinton? Not so much. I'm a Liberal Progressive, but I don't agree with some pretty core issues Clinton has. Let's not forget, she tried to get Video Games regulated by the Gov in the 90s, but got shot down by the Supreme Court. She very much has a philosophy that, the Gov knows what is best for the people -- to a degree that, she believes things like film/games/entertainment, should be government approved. Aus already bans games with violence. So you have Clinton + a court she shapes, and it's not that unrealistic to see a future where we have our art/entertainment largely curved.

There is also a pretty strong movement right now that supports Clinton, who believe they have the right to not be offended. Given Hillary's past views, I wouldn't be surprised if she made a push to have the Gov take over the internet, under the guise of curving bullying, and people doing terrible things online. It's totally in line with her other views. In the past you could take comfort in knowing, the current sitting courts still for the most part, protected that. But now you have a candidate that is strongly for regulation and oversight, and also can shape the courts to allow her to actually do it.

So at least in my view, this is a big deal. This election is a huge deal. And can have some major ramifications on our future.

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