
Sadly their grand grand grand parents had to murder an entire nation of innocent and very futuristic people for no other reason than, we got guns and you dont.

am i doing the math correct? Been 527 years or so?

You think WW2 makes it okay you murdered raped and destroyed a continent and still destroying it is a good thing?

Karma is a bitch and the usa has prospered into a third world country with a nazi leader, lol.

Glad im on the rich side of the pond. Wouldnt want to be found dead in the land of the free.... Why?

There is enough of my blood pouring through that country. Bad blood.

Ill friend you. Each time the third world country America gets hit by something terrible. Ill msg you and tell you, the natives send their regards..

Ta, ta, young nazi man.

/r/apexlegends Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it