[M18] I’m extremely horny - All. the. time.

This is the burden of being a male. This is something that most men deal with, but seldom indulge to the extent you're allowing yourself to.

Go outside, get a job, find a hobby, DO SOMETHING. You know the old saying "idle hands are the devil's play things"? This is pretty much what they were talking about - what people have ALWAYS known - if we don't FIND something meaningful, productive or fulfilling to occupy ourselves with, we can easily devolve to our animalistic nature and overindulge our primal urges (eat, fuck, kill).

So yeah, you're a young guy with NOTHING going on. OF COURSE you're going to do whatever you want, whatever feels good, whether it's stroking yourself raw or playing video games 20 hours a day. Is it healthy? Fuck no.

You're on your way to becoming an addict.

I know because I am one. You're rewiring your brain by flooding it with pleasure stimuli, upsetting the balance of the risk /reward system that helps us make good decisions. That's how an addict's brain works - you keep on doing what you're doing and you'll go through life chasing thrills instead of handling your business and being a productive member of society. I know because that's been my struggle, and I started the same as you. Drugs, gambling, sex, my addict's brain craves overstimulation.

The good news is that you're not too deep down that rabbit hole to come back. Exercising restraint, discipline and self-control, thereby limiting your indulgence is your lifeline to being a better version of you than the one at the end of the road you're currently speeding down. Good luck. It's literally in your hands (Giggity Giggity!)

/r/sex Thread