[M20] considering someone for marriage

Okay, thanks for clarifying. I think I came off wrong when I said that I'm sort of in the middle ground right now. Because I'm not, I'm leaning towards expressing interest in her, and about the Facebook thing, she added me and she likes my pictures that refer to a picture I posted of something about a quote like Yasir Qadhi or Noman Ali Khan said, and I do the same with her posts that are similar, we don't chat or whatever in the depths of the night or anything, it's nothing haram, and what I meant by light-hearted conversation was that we've talked before in person at and we seem compatible.

Correct, she has no clue about this. This is why I wanted to ask here and see what the best way to approach her would be. I want to move ahead and express interest and see if we are compatible together, and like you said man if it doesn't work out, then it finishes right there and we both go our separate ways.

About the college point, Our school is very large, we as an MSA try not to have events that have excessive interactions with the opposite gender, but I'm specifically referring to the stuff that unfortunately goes on outside the MSA. People still talk badly about those people who do, do those haram things in the public with no shame and people isolate themselves from that person, but again I'm speaking on behalf of over 1,000 students who classify themselves as Muslims, and I see around campus. Alhamdullilah, our MSA is amazing, and we are blessed to have as many active members as we do, but it's impossible as a bunch of students to control this many students private lives.

And yeah, I completely agree with you, but I'm not sure if I'm just pessimistic when it comes to these things, but I feel like those individuals that stay chaste, and away from the opposite gender are becoming less and less. In my eyes (and this may be wrong) but I don't see anything wrong with interacting with the opposite gender. The key is to know where you draw the line which is where most people make the mistake. Talking to the opposite gender when it's only for flirting I think is completely wrong, but if we're working on a project together and we have clear and proper intentions than I don't see the issue with that.

And then also when it comes to chaste people, I feel like they are the ones that get taken the first, since there are so few of them, and the people that weren't like them already have boyfriends or have found a SO. what do you think?

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