Is Mace Windu stronger than Palpatine?

He definitely manipulated the situation. He sends the separatists to the home world of the wookies knowing that Yoda would most likely be the one to lead the battle there, removing him from the equation. He planted the seed in Anakins mind about how the sith can stop death, knowing that he fears that Padme is going to die. He then reveals to Anakin that he knows the dark side, giving him him the opportunity to finally prove himself to the Jedi counsel. He also knows that the counsel doesn’t trust Anakin, so he would most likely be left behind when they confronted Palpatine. This would leave Anakin alone to dwell on the fact that if Palpatine were arrested, or even worse killed, that he would lose his only hope at saving Padme. The man is a genius and always 10 steps ahead.

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