Do you get mad when another guy is checking out your wife/girlfriend? If not how do you feel?

39 male here , and been married for 14 years. When I was younger I'd catch dudes and straight up ask if they can stop staring as that's ignorant as fuck and if there is a problem. (Side note) I do not walk around acting tough or carry myself that way nor am I a trouble seeker. I grew up mostly defending myself and can hold my own well. Some men stare politely and some dudes just have no manners whatsoever. Now that I am older i take that shit as a compliment because her being 38 she is still super sexy like she was at 20. I actually dont mind now as maybe it's me being older and just more content with everything. Look , Stare , Try to form a conversation is what it is. Be Disrespectful , or Rude or say something ignorant and the line gets drawn there.

/r/AskMen Thread