Made a dumb mistake, scared myself, but feel too guilty & gross to tell therapist -- any perspective helps

I'm actually okay with blacking out occasionally. But only in a safe context, which this wasn't.

And that's a good idea that I should just try being assertive instead of just feeling insecure in my neighborhood. Honestly I haven't been able to tell him I didn't like the kiss and gays don't go straight etc because I lost my ID at his place and I want to get it back and I feel like he's the type of person where I have to be nice to get something. About the stalker thing, I do really believe it was his car as it's a white Camaro with red stripes that pulled in and pulled out when I was about to walk by it, but it only happened once so it's not the worst sign long term.

I'm not actually paranoid about danger itself, I'm scared of being irresponsible or making my life avoidably worse. As long as others don't think I need to be afraid, I don't feel the need to avoid anything. (Although I'm going to not drink for a bit as you suggested.)

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