Made a friend at work

I have two favorite coworker stories: - I had changed from "regular" coworker to IT. I needed a coworker to check a manual I made. More specifically I needed him to foolproof it, so I asked the DAU (dumbest assumable user) of the department. I deleted a certain, very important file and asked him to install it using my manual. Indeed, he found every mouseclick I hadn't made a screenshot of, he found every possible way to get it wrong. It took a few versions of this manual, every time I deleted the file for him. He was furious and I admit I took a lot of his precious time. For some reasons we still became friends and one day I apologized by offering him two glasses of an € 130 whisky. By now we are laughing about this story.

Another story is less funny but nevertheless: We talked every now and then and from time to time we accidentially met at restaurants. Over the time it turned out my coworker and her husband always wanted to travel to the US, just as I wanted to. So my coworker, her husband and me travelled there for two weeks. They renewed their vows in Las Vegas, with me as the best man. I guess that's more friendship than I could have ever asked for.

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