This made me sick to my stomach because I have never read anything so true of what it is like to be a woman

This will get buried, but i cannot ignore this. I'm a man. I was raised by a single mom. My dad is a sociopath drug addict. I always knew my mom was strong, and possibly the most selfless person I've ever known, raising myself and five siblings more or less on her own. I've always empathized towards women, tried to be considerate, selfless, listen, relate, almost as if i could ever make up for all the suffering my dad did to women. Be everything he wasn't. Show the strong, independent women, that not all guys are selfish manipulative, blame-shifting, imposing, assholes. We're not all bad. I always wanted a story book romance, like Robin Hood, and Maid Marian. Disney movie stuff. Old VHS tapes recorded off the Disney channel are all i had growing up. That, and four local channels. No cable. Thats what you look forward to. Being the hero. Waiting for true love. Except in real life, girls ask for things. The more you give, the more they take.They take and take and take. They flirt, too. It's just for fun, they do it all the time. It doesn't actually mean anything. Especially not after they are done using you. When what they want has already been gained. Girls don't love you for long. It's a rebound, it's a breakfast, like something you do in the morning before your day. If a guy feels it was more than that, they're obsessed, they are a stalker. Such things exist, for sure. But girls define these at a whim, whether or not it's merited. Rape,too, more recently. Things that should be seriously defined, and prevented. Instead it's being weaponized, wherever convenient to the feminist cause by attention seekers. You know who it hurts? Not rapists. Not stalkers. Not over-obsessed controlling boyfriends. They don't hear it. You know what type of man it affects? Men who listen. They are the only ones who really hear when you say all men are pigs, all men deserve to die, all men should be slaves to women. Stop focusing on men, blaming men is hurting the feminist cause i believe in, do it for your fellow woman, whom i also care about. Focus instead on what women can do to prevent sexual violence, rape, and being overlooked professionally. Not because i told you to, but because you are powerful to make that difference, independent of whatever patriarchy says for you, or against you. Independent of what the opposite gender has tried to do to you.

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