Made med error and realised that I’ve also done it before…

Take a deep breath and relax.

I was told that with the Pfizer vaccine, the time between doses isn't very strict. For instance, I was giving vaccines and they had extra at the end of the day and offered them up to anyone. I was going to get it until I realized that my two week mark (when they book everyone for shot #2) was going to be while I was out of town and unable to get it. They assured me that it didn't really matter "exactly" when I got shot #2, that the two weeks was just the recommendation.

Unless they are high risk, I bet they wouldn't even want a redose. We have seen things getting better, and I imagine most very high risk patients are still being careful and wearing masks in highly populated areas. This is just my speculation though.

More worried about you though. You seem extremely distraught by the situation and I would hate to see the anxiety negatively affect your future patient care (lack of sleep, scattered mind, ect.). I think you should talk to a therapist and find ways to overcome this. There are mistakes that permanently impair people/kill people. You did neither of those. Maybe try a therapy/anxiety subreddit to talk to someone on.

You've had a lot of fantastic contributions to your posts and it seems like you can't take any of the advice as answers. If you need to report yourself to be able to let go, then do it. Just be ready for possible disciplinary action.

/r/Nurse Thread Parent