I made this Michael Jordan collage 5 or 6 years ago when he was announced for the Hall of Fame. It's my cakeday and I don't have much else to post. So here is the most artistic thing I've ever made. It's not much but I like it.

Hey no problem. I upvoted you! Yeah I really have a weird feeling with downvotes and comments. Believe me, I know downvotes are needed but they arent supposed to be used as a disagree button. Theyre supposed to be used as a means to eliminate rude comments and other things not pertenaining to the subject matter.

Reddits hivemind is really weird. One if my first posts was a video of myself at a wrestling show where I got on the screen carrying a huge picture sign of myself. I posted it into the wrestling subreddit I had just found. The video was almost 10 years old and I hadn't seen the raw ever on video. I was so pumped up. I then got lit up with dude this isn't facebook. Ohh you must be so proud of yourself. Etc. I just didn't get it. I just want to share a funny picture/video of myself. I brought a huge sign and sat front row and held the giant face up. Lol and the face was me in my blunder hear metal days. Well I still like metal , but i was your typical 14 year old metal head. Anyways so I ask why I was downvoted... I then found out that isn't smart either. Let alone when people already said this isn't facebook. I havent used facebook in over 5 years lol.

Anyways so yeah I was then downvoted even worse. I just didn't get it. I've only downvoted one person and he made fun if someone who had overcome an addiction. I do see why it's needed, but don't do it too someone who's trying to have a conversation. Once Reddit sees a few downvotes its all over. Which Is why unidans little scheme he got banned for was so brutal. Top it off with a spelling mistakes by accident and someone misreading you're shit, you are then left wondering what you did wrong.

Hey but I value your comment you posted. It got me too think. Why do I have it in my wall. I know some people who don't have anything on their walls and I never even thought they don't have anything hanging... Not because they dint have posters... But they don't want posters. I got a good laugh though out of it. I was like man I'm a grown ass man who's now gotta explain why I have a collage on my wall hahaha.

Keep on being you though. I really can't say either how I really feel about the hivemind. I know I completely switched up how I commented after I was getting ripped after. I just posted from the heart when I signed up but now I hold back and rarely comment.

/r/somethingimade Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com