I made a physics engine for my voxel terrain.

Just try different things. Let me help you to start looking around without downloading a single thing:
1) Shadertoy website https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4ds3WS - (for example)

This resource is fitting for both beginners and rocket science level programmers. You can find examples on voxel rendering, physics, world generation and much more. The downside however is that shader programming is a specific field, and develping a stable workflow for your project is.. troublesome for various reasons.
2) Three.js and Babylon.js
Kind of a blurry line to distinguish the two, but both are undeniably the easiest way to dive into voxel gamedev, if you're just beginning to learn by yourself, and yet to discover things like github and asset stores for the commercial game engines, like -
3) Unity3d and Unreal 4/5.
Godot 3d is an open-source alternative, but I dislike it personally. Regardless of that, you could indeed download voxel map example right after getting the engine version(whichever do you think is enough for your goals).

/r/VoxelGameDev Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it